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With Moon in the Playground!

Taking in the evening Breeze
I stood gaping at the seize
Suddenly Knight gave a surprise
Said Hi Come to My Sky
clouds in puddles, Sounds in Doodles
...Outta Moon in full finery..
But Rogue clouds have chased away the stars
Poor Moon has no one to play but them
And they all playing hide and seek game
Give her the company join the symphony.....

I looked up at Moon she was really alone..
Fighting her stand in the playground zone...
Sky is too generous how come he gives access
To all these rogues without any licenses
Stay right there Moon...here I come to your gentle side
Knight was right....there has to be someone by your side....

As I nodded Knight Uploaded me to the sky
I was zoomed to its ground very high
With a thud was my landing but Moon was smiling
Twinkling stars were gone but a friend was coming
Jingling loud we clapped our hands and zapped the clouds
Confused clouds at this alien visit who is this miss new Exquisite....

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