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O Bohemian you are lost...

Terrain Terrain I moved insane…Whacking cracking my only brain
Where have you been? And where to Silly?
My answer remains a smile simili…I could have used metaphors
But they seemed busy with imagery parlance
Lazy Hazy I sing my only song of substance
O Bohemian you are lost …you are lost
In the world of planet called words.

When I landed by the port without my passport
I was arrested by the nouns and verbs
Punishment objective I was given Prison Adjective
How many days was my only question?
I was given only adverbial phrases and clauses
I just realized My interrogative Pronouns  
Were sentenced wherein I was the only Subject
And the Predicate was well abdicated…

My Preposition for subordinating conjunction
Was met with a loud interjection.
So I resigned myself to this fate….
Taken to the small cell of fiction… with inspector Diction
Whose varying wavelength caused my peace some friction
The Spellcheck guard arrived with a laundry list of cleansing
And tomorrows work at the ancient school of alphabets
Alas Locked I was reminded tha I was the Prisoner of the Lord Adjective
Punctuated with Pronounced helplessness I embrace sleep
And hold it captive till the twilight beep.

Aho when the twilight beeps…there is a knock amock
By the tenses of all kinds…reminiscent of the world left behind
I try to sleep again but am interfered with the alarm expletive
By the princely brothers possessive and demonstrative
Before the dawn clean your cerebral cobwebs and preen those nerves
For I bet when you meet the mighty alphabet if you are not spick and span
You would be exiled mercilessly to this archipelago for your entire life span

Finally I met the mighty alphabet guided by   the Majors
The Captain vowel and Minister Consonant
I was examined tip to toe with suspicious mind
Wrong landing and no passport …Was I here for some booty
Fancying for a pie….In the land of Alpha
I twitched and growled back …this old parliament of twenty six  
Needed some alien fix.

My rebellion eyes were met with sighs
This girl has Chameleon façade and infuses charmaine claw
And comes with hidden paw
On guard Alphaland this little Viginette of a brunette land
Would Disturb the order and create a chaos among amigos
So here is the Diktat for that frozen looking spat
Freedom confiscated till you learn the rule
You are being handed over to Guru Grammar.
And Your only recreation library dictionary.

And there with a bang my fate announced.
Rules and me could never live together
They choked the breath and took away my spirit
Though I accepted the order with silent sonnet
I knew they are yet to meet the Bohemian
Sleeping in the Rigidity of Generations
They would take some time to catch up

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