Russett's Poetry

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Attempting to get a passport in two or three days.
Sends my thought process into tremendous disarray.

There is no doubt they say it can be done.
Shift into forward motion setting it at a run.

Drivers Lic, Birth Cert. Passport Application
Photos, Itinerary and Letter of Authorization

Fill out this form but don't sign that.
Does my passport picture make me look fat.

Now sign your name and swear that all is true
If not big trouble your in says so on page two

Finely it's sealed ready for FedEx First Overnight
Will I get it back in time it's going to be tight

If someone drops the ball after all I've spent
I'm out my money it payed someone else's rent

Russett Stubbs
Sept 8th 2009

Copyright ©2009  Russett Stubbs

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