Russett's Poetry

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Can I put my feelings, high upon a shelf?
Pretend I'm untouched by this tragedy?
I ponder, and ask myself.
I'm trying to comprehend.
Senses are dull, Mind is numb.
Try as I might the thoughts won't come.
My affection, for this young man, I can not describe.
My heart aches for the loss of him.
I did not, will not, can not, say good bye.
Minutes tick by, reality sets in.
Hot tears sting my cheeks.
I find my voice, and the words begin.

Derek you were my Lovable Teddy Bear.
I pray you knew how much I cared.
I'll miss your form coming threw my door.
And the way you walked across my floor.
I'll miss your phone calls and it makes me sad.
And our conversations, no one knew we had.
When we first met you were kind of shy.
Not much was said tween you and I.
Then you opened to me, just like a book.
I found your sweet soft heart, and I was hooked.
The goodness in you was not hard to find.
As your tender heart would speak to mine.
We grew close, our Hearts intertwined.
I grew to love you, like a Son of mine.
With shattered heart I gaze upon your face.
I know in heaven you've taken your place.
You took a piece of my heart when you went away.
And gave me fond memory's of you, cause I had to stay.
I'll take these memory's of you out from time to time.
I'll cherish them forever because they are all mine.
So if that piece of heart you took, should cease to beat.
You'd better come running down that golden street.
For it will be then, that you will know my fate.
I will expect you, to meet me at Heavens gate.
One again our Hearts will intertwine.
Cause I grew to Love You like a Son of mine.

Dedicated to Derek Scott "Diggler" Heili
Passed away April 24th 2004
Due to an Auto Accident
He will be forever Loved and Missed by Family and Friends

By Russett Stubbs
April 28th 2004
Copyright ©2004  Russett Stubbs

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