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The first time I saw you down the road, on the corner lot.
A White Leopard Appaloosa, covered with little red dots.

I would look at you, everytime I passed your way.
Sometimes it would be, two or three times a day.

Although I wasn't really fond, of the Appaloosa breed.
I found just to see you, almost became a need.

You were playing on my thoughts, never far from my mind.
I had no way of knowing, that you would fill my heart in time.

You drew me like a magnet, and this I didn't know why.
Then there was that day you were gone, when I came driving by.

My heart just sank in my chest, started beating pity pat.
Then my spirits soared the day, that they brought you back.

I stopped to inquire, as to where you had been.
Told me they had sold you, but brought you back again.

I stood looking at you, thinking you were a honey.
The trouble was at that time, I didn't have any money.

"Trade you across the board my Sorrel Filly," I almost hollered.
"I'll take your Sorrel Filly, and another two hundred dollars."

"I don't think you understood, it's across the board." I said
The man looked at me saying, "think I'm touched in the head?"

I argued "The Filly's fat and young, and she can reproduce."
"That Gelding's old and skinny, to me looks long in the tooth."

"You know where I live if you change your mind, give me a holler."
"Just remember it's across the board, there won't be no dollars."

Walking away from you that day, believe me it was tough.
But I had to make my point, I had to run the bluff.

It took two weeks before he called, ready to make the deal.
I'd like to ride the Appy, before  this deal is sealed.

"Sure thing" he says, "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Then there I was upon your back, about the noon of day.

Standing sixteen hands, you were quite tall anyone could see.
You were a easy riding horse, as I thought that you might be.

You had a long smooth easy, rocking chair stride.
Which made you quite, pleasurable to ride.

Figured you'd make good trading material, that I had no doubt.
So I made the trade with that in mind, if you did not work out.

You were kind of jumpy at first, not knowing what to expect.
Then you begin to settle in, and the family you did except.

I had gotten you for my Husband, so we could go riding together.
My Husband said in getting you, I couldn't have done no better.

Now it didn't take us very long, and we begin to see.
That your heart did not belong, to my Husband nor me.

For you had lost your Heart, to Our four year old Daughter.
The Family could tell for you, there really were no other.

You were so big and she so small, standing to your knee.
The love that flowed between you and her, anyone could see.

When she was on your back, the two of you going for a ride.
I never had to worry, nor did I keep a looking outside.

When you would bring her back, and I'd help her to the ground.
She'd reach her little arms up, and you'd lower you head down.

"Give me a hug Sonny," I'd hear her little voice whisper so clear.
Then you'd let her wrap her arms around your neck, right behind your ears.

You'd close your eyes and breath a sigh, drinking in her love.
As your heart spoke to hers and the Lord watch from up above.

You were probably twenty years old, when we got you, she was just a baby.
You took good care of her all these years, you watched her grow into a lady.

Although you got to old for her to ride, and sit upon your back.
You still loved her and she loved you, and that's the natural fact.

It's been almost fourteen years, since I brought you home that day.
To put you down it broke my heart, and the Lord took you away.

You'll have green meadows to roam in, and clear cool water.
I know your looking down, keeping an eye upon our Daughter.

There will come a day, when a sweet voice will whisper,.... in your ear.
You will hear it say, "Give me a hug Sunny,................ I am finely here.

Written; March 6th 2002
Dedicated to Alicia and her "Sunny Bunny"  

Copyright ©2002  Russett Stubbs

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