Russett's Poetry

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Summer's Evening brings Peace and Serenity.
The occupants of the house sit relaxing, on the deck beneath the shade. As the Kansas Breeze touches the leaves of the Old Oak Tree. Gently, softly, caressing the green leaves with it's warm cooling breath. The Old Oak wise with age knows that this playfulness could end at moments notice. When the Kansas Breeze might show off it's strength by blowing and gusting well over a hundred miles per hour. Uprooting the Old Oak as if it were a Sapling. Causing it to crash onto the house and garage. Tearing and biting into the roofs and siding as it tries it's best to stay upright. It's roots clawing into the dirt and sand. The runners from the roots run deep, far under the house and garage. They would crack out the floors and the foundations of the very structures the Old Oak has shaded for so many years. Limbs splintering in half, as they shatter windows, and the red wood deck. The Old Oak knows full well that this could happen. If the Kansas Breeze threw caution to the wind and cursed such a catastrophe upon the Old Oak.  But for now the Kansas Breeze is content to be friendly and playful. In which the Old Oak swaying ever so slightly can relax and enjoy, the dusting of it's leaves.

Copyright ©2008  RussettStubbs

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