Russett's Poetry

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Welcome to the United States.
Welcome to our shores.
If you are an ill-legal.
We will give you more.

Everything we give you.
Guarantee it will be free.
Just step across the boarder.
Or come across the Sea.

We'll try to learn your language.
As not to inconvenience you.
If you don't like our Constitution.
We'll try to change that too.

You won't have to pay our taxes.
We'll give you a new house and car.
For you are not an American.
For you have come so far.

No problem finding jobs here.
You will do more than alright.
Mail U.S. money to your country.
We'll let you mail it over night.

You can start your own business.
You can buy all our property.
You are an Ill-legal getting rich.
We are Americans living in poverty.

You can slowly take over our Country.
We know that's what it's all about.
While we Americans stand by helplessly.
Our Government will gladly help you out.

We will be taxed to death.
Property foreclosed and taken away.
The only thing we look forward to is.
Coming of Our Lord and Judgment Day.

Copyright ©2008  RussettStubbs

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