A Soldiers Verse

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Loved No More

Loved no more I am,
Hated though I'm not.
Love no more I can,
For I gave her all I got.

All I had was hers,
All she had was mine.
There was no 'mine' or  'yours,'
But 'us' and 'we,'
For our love, to me, meant unity.

But somehow she stopped,
While I kept on loving.
Why did she rip my heart out,
When I kept on giving?

Now a hollow is in my chest,
Where loneliness begins to rest.
The pain has gone from within my heart,
For which I paid no expense.

This gap that opened in the dark,
Drove my heart into non existence.
I cannot love again, but maybe make a friend.
I have no more love to give,
Just like flour being poured through a sieve,
It's all gone.

Love no more I can,
I gave her all I got.
Loved no more I am,
For her love I haven't got.

By: Heath G. Schofield

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