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Two blond haired baby's
one looking like the other.
Favoring their Daddy
blue eyes like their Mother.

Two blond haired baby's
personalities are the same.
Hard to tell apart
wasn't for their names.

Two blond haired baby's
bows and ribbons in their hair.
Playing so good together
learning how to share.

Two blond haired baby's
having their differaces.
One liking pink the other purple
That's just their preferences.

Two blond haired baby's
dimples and twinkling eyes.
They are baby's no longer
where did time fly.

Two blond haired baby's
are now darling little girls.
Favoring their Mother
they are their Daddy's world.

Dedicated To:  
My Twin Grand Daughters
Shawna and Shayna

Copyright ©2008  RussettStubbs

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