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Beautiful Tara

Our Little Miracle Baby

That Time Of Year.


Do not pray for me

Roses and Lessons

My Mother Was A Soldier.

The Former Soldier And The New Recruit

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Here On The Edge Of The World

What is it that I am looking for in life?
Why do I not feel complete?
Why do I hold on to what once was,
And not continue onto what could be?

Why am I so afraid of the unknown,
When I could challenge it's very essence?
Why do I continue to dwell on the past,
When I could be pioneering the future?

I can't seem to let go of what once was,
Yet I continue to think of what will be.
Of loves I've lost and friends I've found,
Neither of which I want to leave, yet always seem to lose.

I find myself standing alone,
On the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea.
Waiting to fall yet always standing firm,
No one will ever be able to push me.

Here on the edge of the world.

There I shall stand looking out on life,
Dreaming of things which I desire.
And thinking of things which I once had,
Yet all the while knowing there's something I need.

Something I need to put my should at rest,
So ever elusive this thing is to me.
Shall I ever find it?
Or is searching my destiny?

The answers to these questions I do not know,
Yet I shall continue to search.
From my vantage point up here,
Standing on my cliff overlooking the sea.

Here on the edge of the world.

By: Heath G. Schofield

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