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 Antyem was side stepping the particles being removed by all the other drones he hurried past the line like he was GOD on a warpath making little movements with his pincers like he was picking something up but only in the air. He went slowly past the martialsitylimit sign of Heureka county fame. You grinned at eye ewe must have seen the movie. He ran now into the airlock and recycled the spinning dome to come out somewhere near the red zoned canal number one. He never hesitated but turned up into the bluff against the edges he found what he was looking for a rough circular trough with dozens of icey particles hanging UP they looked just like Earthen ware icicles that the humans used for Christmas bait to trap the children into trimming trees he stood up and trimmed off a large chunk with his large pincers and carried it back to the city he dropped it into the recycler vat at the canal door number one the ant in charge was very impressed where he said smiling did yew ever get that you blind underdog ant. He was lost for a moment unsure what to say when he suddenly remembered the day. OH. He smiled and told. Eye read a manual in the dark and learned to fight with weapons of destruction and then eye saw a great light and got religion. The synthesis of the particle was almost over when the Supervisor Ant whistled. What a story and the yield from this one piece will fuel the city of the ants of mars for one more year of time. You may have a bonus just ask us. The ant thought long and hard and then it hit him. Let me make a book of poetry and place it on the interneted web so that ants everywhere can read my poems one by one and possibly be saved by reading them and that's how poetrypoem was born by a pale yellow blind ant poet on mars namme of AntYem.

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