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Lord, though life brings us to our knees,
and every day we seem to grieve,
help us to rise above the gloom,
rejoicing in the souls around us that bloom.

Lord, we know You always care for us,
through whatever we endure let us trust,
that You are there to guide us through,
in whatever it is You would have us do.

Lord, lighten our hearts through the day's pain,
that we might rejoice in Your Holy name,
lifting our sinking spirits to heights above,
that we can still convey Your marvelous love.

Lord, let your light within us still burn,
that through Your words we might learn,
the love You have that brings us close,
to the one who has sacrificed the most.
Psalm 5:11 "But let all who take refuge in
You be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  
Spread Your protection over them,that those
who love Your name may rejoice in You."

Susan Hebert Ajaz
copyright 2000


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