Russett's Poetry

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There's a little Leprechaun, his name was Peter O' Tool.
I seen him every day, on my way to school.
He thought he was so clever, hiding within the grass.
As I looked straight ahead, walking down the path.
He was so cute, in the green cloths he did wear.
Come St. Patrick's Day, I'd catch him in my snare.
On that day, I smiled walking down the path.
As I got to him, I simply dropped my hat.
It lit in the grass, and covered Peter O' Tool.
Then I sat upon it, as if he were a stool.
He wiggle and began to cry, and shout.
Little girl have mercy, please let me out.
If I let you out, what will you give to me.
I'll give you my pot of gold, if you will set me free.
I do not want your gold, silly Peter O' Tool.
I simply want you to spend the day with me, at School.
To keep his gold he agreed, and it turned out swell.
That's how I come to bring a leprechaun, to Show and Tell.
Playing with us Children, was not as he had feared.
He readily agreed, that we should do this every year.
On St. Patrick's Day, a Leprechaun follows me to School.
He is my little friend, and his name is Peter O' Tool.

Copyright ©2008  Russett Stubbs

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