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 Revolutionary Poets S 2  
    18589 Poems Read.

To "UnA Letter cle Tom"

Dear Uncle Tom,
I have feelings inside
That I must share
They need to exposed
They've become too much to bare
I really can't believe you've been around so long
You're a member of this family
Yet you mean to do us wrong
I do remember you though
Right there in the beginning
When the first of our people were sold
You were there grinning
When we were brought here you remained the same
When we'd try to escape
You'd call out massas name
You'd watch as we were whipped and beaten
You sold us out
So massas scraps you could be eating
Today you haven't changed much
Right at massas feet like a good lil pup
Downing us every chance you get
However you're still a Black Man
Or did u forget
It's okay though I realize you'll be here
I accept you as my family
Also the fact that you don't care
However here's a list of the rest of “Our” family
I've got Sister named
A Brother named
I've got a cousin named
With a will that never bends
I've got an Aunt named
A Father named
I've got a Mother named
Most importantly I have a Son named
Uncle Tom even though you may try
To doubt and discourage us
We have a STRONG family
We have no choice but to

This piece was dedicated to the Uncle Toms of the world we still love you
but we won't be STOPPED by you


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