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 The Science Fiction Poem

The Science Fiction Poem
The Science Fiction Poem
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The Science Fiction Poem
The Science Fiction Poem
 We flew in a crafted ship with a needle nose cone
We stowed away in the engine room and we danced at home
With the Martians we danced on the moon
with the stars and the never locks we camped out
with songs all around us we soon crept to bed.
So happy to be on the way to the moon and to mars
Eye smuggled the flashlight into the sleeping bag
And the copy to read that book from the lieberry
And eye always was red eye and tired
From reading HEINLEIN in the night
The light from the sleeping bag always was right in the book
And when fear made me leave the thing or eye had to look
for a place to use the facilities' in the middle of the night
The story was still in my mind and eye was in flight.
A boy scouting on Mars and the moon.
Always the hero and winning the day
Keeping the air supply safe for the girl.
Always eye was a survivor the man with the plan.
Turning the science fiction at hand
Into dreams for all men.