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  Chapter Twenty One Cheph111

Chapter Twenty One Cheph111
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Charlockandroidone7 was finishing the inventory on Charlaxes doorpanel
The new android had arrived with the falcon lady on the asteroid. Be careful with that the IOLA the Matron was heard to say CHARLAX7 was a wonderful man OH MarYlin said yes he was all man. STOKKER just spit. THE MARS BOY
He just smiled at the STOKKER. What utter nonsense the Charlock is a much better android why he is sober just like the STOKKER and he can think the CHARLAX was sober too but he had too many hang-ups he is now a lover of the ewe and needs a real catchy namme we decided on the Charlockoneandroid7 or any combination of the given surs.
He had the heart of a child and the kiss of his ewe and the loneliness of outer space and sometimes on a frYdaY nite the inner space is lonesome too. COME back gentile reader to this same location for a new chapter tomorrow ewe.