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   On the BEAM to OBERON      

  On the BEAM to OBERON  
On the BEAM to OBERON  
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  On the BEAM to OBERON
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Chapter 22 CHEPH111


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Charlockandroidone7 listed the crew members nammes

MarYlin Mist: she was the captain and the pilot of the "Amaryllis Two"

STOKKER: He is a MECH a human mechanic and the co-pilot.

IOLA MATRON: She is patterned after love.

Falcon Lady: a yerd woman she is extra crew member.

Martian BOY: He was on MARS living in the caverns.

The Miner: He walked with a left limp: he smiles a left side smile.

The miner stowed his gear and tried to smile at the charlax android

The CHARLOCKandroidone7 just nodded his head and laughed The Miner was so surprised.

That's the CHARLAX android he was too short to be of any use so they sent me to finish the mission

I'm much taller than that Japanese freak. He was a Honda motor in an English world.

The Miner was satisfied then that the android was intelligent.When the stokker damps this thing again we leave at hypertext speed to OBERON THREE and then we will shuttlebeam on the FASTERTHANLIGHT@ and take in all the sites on CHEPH111 the third planet from the sun of the OBERON system. We will leave the MISTY WAY and be in HYPERNATION space for almost 300 earth years but do not worry MINER the affects and defects of a hypertext transfer do not effect humans and how was YOUR week gentle reader?
 On the BEAM to OBERON