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  Cheph111 NINETEEN

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The hemorrhoid belt is approaching us NOW the IOLA was so smart she was clucking her tongue and annoying even Android1OneCharlaX7 the ASTEROID belt is overtaking the ship said MarYlin the captain.
Stokker Lieutenant Stokker was now the co-pilot in charge of navigation. The crew was short one person mabe they could pick up a miner at the diner on Asteroid 3456227 shhhhhhhh it was a surprise for the MarYlin she could never guess it in a zillion. The falcon yerd lady was on the asteroid 3456227 waiting for STOKKER to arrange her transfer to the shuttle beam. She kept the diner clean for when the miner eat. There was only one miner now left in the asteroid belt the man was quite insane he had been homeless far too long his flower memory was almost gone but still he sang a song of six pennies found.
NEXT BATT TIME SAME BATT CANAL gentle reader ewe moo cow.