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Leaving Mars to the STARS

The MIMIC was soon dead and the real ramp lowered for our crew to board the: Amaryllis Two. Charlax7Android1 was soon busy at the damper board.

MarYlin Mist was on the pilots couch strapping down her loose anatomy parts.

Stokker was next to her watching her every piloting move. He was learning how to fly this thing to be an added asset to the guest list. The Matron IOLA was soon engrossed in the business at hand FRENCH toast. The Hydrogen engine was noise. The important water pipes the UTUBES stretching out of sight near the edges of the walls kept them all on edge and nerves stretched out in the engine noises of this interstellar space shippe as the worlds of the ASTERIODS approached the ship began to overdrive and the FASTERTHANLIGHTBEAMS@ modem on the MISTY WAY MAP lit up on MarYlin computer screen her brand new lap top. OH gentle ewe come back tomorrow for a brand new chapter poem. 9Teen. The Stars in Reach.


