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 Chapter Seventeen:

Chapter Seventeen: back to the "amaryllis two"
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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
"There is nothing wrong with this spaceship" MarYlin Mist was speaching Iola the Matron was talking to the BOY in a Whisper
You can still be my friend even though I'm from the Earth.
Charlaxandroidone7 was checking the approach to the "amaryllis two" and lowering the ramp so they could enter when the coast to coast was clear. STOKKER entered the clearing first and stepped up gingerly on the ramp it quivered IT QUIVERED??? Ramps on starships just DON'T quiver? HELP he was yelling and blasting at the same time whatever it was it was a MIMIC. They all blasted and blasted away and how was your day to day gentle reader are you prepared to kick off no amount of insurance and help or aide ewe in your survival of the afterlife as well as knowledge of JESUS. Just say JESUS and then live again. This advertisement has been brought to you and ewe and yew and yours by the CHARLAX poet.
True religion is inside of you.