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   Chapter Fourteen: Cheph111 : Martian BOY

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STOKKER looked up from his study of the prints you knoe MarYlin there was a cave off in the distance not very far and eye noticed some movement there mabe a Martian BOY he laughed clearly he was joking but MarYlin Mist the pilot of the "Amaryliss Two" was off the path and walking hurridly to the caverns. CharlaXAndroidOne was in dismay WAIT let us all go we can eat later he cried out The Matron Iola was laughing as she caught up to the crew now a crowd in the desert bunched up. She said OH androidone you do not rally eat that synthetic body of yours is made almost complete tell me how it is done? The stuffins just enter my belly and slide the rest of the way out of me not unlike the real CharlaX7 who still resides on Earth in this MISTY WAY system on the planet Newtonia in the city of Bostonia we had left behind so far away.STOP. THE STOKKER said LOOK. and they all saw the BOY. He had strang joker hair all red and green and shiney like algea and he was pointing his blaster at them and smiling ;;;;;Please come back gentle reader and finish the story of the little Martian Boy while Charlax7 works on a different poem.