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  CHepH 111: MarYlin Mist saga

CHepH 111: MarYlin Mist saga
CHepH 111: MarYlin Mist saga
 Chapter NINE: Still Stranded on Mars
The Ground Car quit and the life support came on. MarYlin smiled
At STOKKER glad that he had come along to escape hisself from ontimeship boredom. There is a dome she pointed with her left hand almost gleefully 1and 1 half a klick from that rock just bring us back the suits and chargers the people are there at home they said no man can walk on Mars so eye told them to look out the airlock door and watch for STOKKER he is coming to aid us in this long important day the journey has become our home. The stokker was in and out so fast he left the car and spun his heels in the direction of the rock and off he went to adventure land on Mars.
This is chapter nine in the series CHEPH 111: the MarYlin Mist saga
Written on a 19 dollar Smith typewriter using Wesson oil paper by the charlax android one the poet has become the writer. The many people who follow this series do not be disappointed for someday the DOUBLEDAY book club shall discover me and give me royalties. This is a science fiction classic in the penning of these odious odes of fortune by the charlax one.
And so it goes. UNTIL next time signing inn again.
Stokker is nearly to the house.