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  Chapter Eight8ball

Chapter Eight8ball
Chapter Eight8ball
CHEPH111: Stranded on Mars
 MarYlin the STOKKER is driving the SHIP?
NO relax CharlaX it's just I am letting him play with the controls to get him ready for his lesson to be learned and yes someday STOKKER will pilot this THING. Oh my the MATRON was fainting from lack of soup. It's okay the airlock is cycling the creative thinkers inn they will fix all the seals for us as well we have a ground car with wings coming to go out a view the Martian landscaping and the water canals spoke of in 1984 by Charles Beau ford.
The Martian landscape is deadly to most humans but stokker is not affected and instead of suits we will just stay in the protected car.
He got his immunity released in the desert when charlax sobered him up why eye think that stokker could walk on mars and eat brown olives for lunch. He is not quite human most of them drink beer and wine coolers in the summer a man like stokker is I'm possible to stay sober but I'm pression that he tried. You are lisping very badly MARY eye did not even knoe ewe had the impediment.
Yes just from the time eye was a child and kept my secret.
Let's go get ready I'm wearing lots of layers for it was still cold in Bostonia the city on old Newtonia the planet we are from.
Eye shrugged my good shoulder the other was still stiff and sore from fixing the seal on the damper the cover fell and almost hit me on the CharlaX. HA a little androidone humor for the young ones reading this this this this chapter 8Ball poem. For the adults just listen the story will continue in chapternine where this one stops.