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MarYlin Mist walked with a saunter never a swagger she held her blaster butt in her LEFT hand and she sighed when she saw all the stragglers she went ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  And eh see eh how can eye the ewe the baby ewe find anyone to drive my ship eye now need a new pilot? There is a man he is writing in a notebook he looks so handsome in his ballcap. He smiled and waved his purple flower at me eye think eye will hire him as my co pilot please wont it be fun to fly to another sun? My name is charlax one I'm an android eye give my life to ewe baby lamb yes eye will fly to the next galaxy with ewe it's what mamsie would want mee to dew. And that is how charlax android one became the copilot on the "Amaryliss Two" a white needle nose craft destined to save the remnant of humanity unless the JESUS comes back first. The charlax wants to help explore and a greater mind and minion does not exist but the MARYLIN MIST a woman set on finding WORLDS to help her people to exist upon the shores of yet uncharted wilderness.