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 CharlaX is in Prison Mentality FryDaY APril 24 npm

CharlaX is in Prison Mentality FryDaY APril 24 npm
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you cant tell me what to do before eye am bigger than you then eye can beat you up steppe outside bang your ear drum your head will hurt eye am bad a man can talk on his roaming profile eye got a cell phone cause eye got lots of money no one cares what you are doing WiFi so what you are short not much meat hangging on them bones someone needs to drop you in the zone you should not say anything to me the tough get going the going gets tough guys finsistish wow check it out so far as eye knoe this is the first word merger ever created was typing finish and insist at the same time no fooling as in nice guys finish last and bad guys insist on getting there own way spoilt rotten this new description adjective is finsistish adj. def. the act of speaking rudely on a cell phone and for no other reason then chasing his signal to a spot somewhere too close to me its not only rude there is also rules in place to keep people away from bothering other people since eye was here first this is my spot SIR and it dont madam to me you seem to think eye am rude to be here doing something when you are trying to speak no SIR or madam you still missed the point of polite Society is the rights of everyone to have there own space and do there own thing AMEN someone quickly say Amen. YOu think this is not serious but hay is for horses cowboys and mules need some of it too many times have eye been bombarded by people who just seem confused why is this my fault at all it seems YOURES is only a Prison Mentality