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 Sunday APril NINETEEN npm charlax poem

Sunday APril NINETEEN npm charlax poem
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Sunday APril NINETEEN npm charlax poem
rich people feel the rain only in between
the walk from the AUTO mobile on the phones
they have those upstairs cafes
they limit no one for noise they are roudy while its cloudy they stay dry and they get drunk on nimble wit and toast
the finger bowl would feed me in these joints of embellishmeants and cokes
prices are eggzagerated cups and saucers smaller then the normal view is a blank wall outside the window has no screen the people there are never mean to anyone but them they abuse each other thinking everyone enjoys it as a brother in the pen tattoo and bandanas used to frequent only bars outside the motorcycles roar the women fast and easy the men all cooked a goose why do you look askance at homeless people needing drinks there is not anger in the eye of this beholder why
does something have to cost money to work for people now
the menu is the skyrocket the food it never satisfies the hunger is the normal now you see the user reaching for his plastic Jesus when he pays for something he never used or needed most of it is wasted on the plate
when you pass me on the street do not spit on me with hate
and here is something that eye saw eye see saw this on the wall
American Cities have non working machines downtown is just a place not to be seen they discourage all the bums from hanging round
one square a stranger there one down a chalk line found
misery for literacy a penny for a thinker not a thought is cost effective
not a Chief has been elected or cast off
just some SUNDAY thoughts the red crested robin and his mate relate they fly the path ahead of me they await the daylight and yet they see me as the path comes to the eye like a song in the morn
Sunday APril NINETEEN npm charlax poem