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 Mind CLick April 2 npm charlax

Mind CLick April 2 npm charlax
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eye deleted a spam message and then my mind flashed a warning eye saw all my gmail messages at once and one was missing
how can this be did they send this message to my mind to confuse me
and even iff this is true is a missing spam message all that so important to be missing
it must have been alive
and it screamed when it got deleted
no thats too science fiction to be true
and yet
it might have had resentment from being taken out of my inbox and sent away to the trash
iff you have six things and you take away one do you have six or five of them
a rubber egg from church a egg bounces to the sky and back
easter rhymes with eater life is filled with food on easter eggs that will be eaten
the secondary poem of the month the national trust entrusted to the poor among the us
tick tick tock tock the clock struck struck
noise is the bane of the head ache and now the end has come to the
Mind CLick APril 2 npm charlax

et two brute