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 Poltice & Poltice Two

Poltice Two
Poltice Two
love love love
the boy that wanted a beer for breakfast could not believe that eye said no he wanted to give me ONE so eye would get him more it is the way on the street that people have of getting drunk just count me out and the boy in PubliX was nice to have the conversation for my mind is usually my boy on the byke was in a talkative mood swing he admits his mental prowess and we seem to be friends as long as he does the talking and eye just listen listen to him he is never boring and it makes a nice day now my friends were evicted from a Church hideaway the night is not there friend they may need more help then they will ever accept the disadvantaged and the homeless and the  mental illness called dysfunctional my people have no bed one if if bye land two iff bye see eye need more room near me eye cannot save the whole world cannot sleep in my bed with me as the police man ignored me he ventured past me to the van parked ILLEGAL this man has been hangging out rubber tramping in my area for several weeks perhaps a month and they sent an undercover police man to ask him what is upp its all just CONJECTURE at this point anything can happen there will be a Poltice Three to let you knoe what all this means to me my mULE is eating grass she is tied to the post in the area and eye need to ride her home after this my work in the lieberry near all the tomes on shelfs after shelves just to show an adverb here or three how many stared and starred at this you saw there didnt you not three eye should not hazard a quick guess not unless the old man helped the Cube On and lost some of my respect they reshelved some of the Books upon my shelf is barren on the top and bottom perhaps they will move this whole section and let me have this quiet area to live inside all winter long and my friend has come but she is sleepy its the weather inside its nice and warm and dry it does this to lots of people as they enter to sit and read the intergnet and books and magazines in my Lieberry pondering my UNiverse and why is she so UNkind to me
Poltice Two

well eye said that was not ME eye did not do this asking here and he Laughed at mewell eye said that was not ME eye did not do this asking here and he Laughed at me

the POLICEmaN he was so nice and so GOODnatureD this was totally UNexpectED so look here at my GOOD fortune today this was a relief as eye was drinking a free coffee at the Senior Old Age Place a Patrolman came in a Squad Car and he asked me iff eye needed a place to SHOweR well eye said that was not ME eye did not do this asking here and he Laughed at me he said no one has been asking he was just Suggesting and he suggested that eye go to the Shelter to enquire after a shower they give those things away and eye told him about finding thieves on the sidewalk and he called me Boss several times like they do in Movies he said Boss keep upp the good work and keep helping us of course he was making funn of me but it was so good natured it was not a problem and he did not notice my ILLEGAL shopping cart so full of bags right there in front of him and it made me Happy not to get arressted for its a thing that eye deserved he swerved away inn fulfillmeant of his duty and left a happy little BOSS in charge of everything. It made my poor old heart feel good to meet a real Policeman.